Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Excitement or Delirium?

I'm not sure whether I'm crazy excited or completely delirious, I think I might be a bit of both!

After I had taken the last photographs I popped down one of the disks onto the projector and the image created on the wall showed amazing detail. After some really basic tests (what must have been weeks ago) I wrote this off as a pointless avenue of exploration and decided that it just wouldn't work. I was wrong. 

The patterns look so different to how they do on the glass- they look a lot more geometric which I am very pleased with. The colour also has a huge effect on the feeling of the piece. Maybe quite predictably I prefer the monochromatic one. 

I can't believe I've only just stumbled across this now, less then 12 hours to go before the hand in! This has completely thrown everything open again, just when I thought I had narrowed it all down to some kind of definite direction. 

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