Thursday, 3 April 2014

Test Tiles Two

You might have noticed I'm loving a bit of alliteration at the moment. 

Since I made the first set of test tiles I have decided that having the sandblasted grooves filled with frit actually just looks a little bit tacky. I'm not certain why exactly, I just feel as though they're a bit messy and clunky. 

This set of tests is almost exactly the same from the first. They're kind of sandwiches too (sandblasted glass, gap, glass) and they have been fired using the same schedule. I'm a lot happier with these especially the one on the left. I guess taking away the frit has left more space for the bubbles to start growing (science..). Most of the bubbles are the size I had been hoping for and yet the pattern is still visible. Once again I'm pretty certain I know where I went wrong with them (what I did to make the huge bubbles) and I think I should be able to smooth this out next time around. 

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