Monday, 28 April 2014

When In Doubt, Keep On Testing

After making the final disk I felt once again unsure about where this project is heading and I figured some more testing might make me feel a bit better about it. 

I wanted to repeat the last one exactly the same to see if it was a fluke or if I had actually accomplished it using my brains and science. I also popped in some using some yellow glass, out of interest. I was quite curious as to whether they would make the projections look coloured in anyway/how coloured it would be.

TL - BR: All clear, all yellow, yellow on clear, clear on yellow. 
These have come up quite spidery again, the bubbles aren't as uniform and smooth. I'm cool with this though because my favourite test tiles were like this and they had the most interesting and crazy projections. 

All clear, all yellow.
The big disks still have some problems with larger bubbles, especially the yellow. This time though they're more spread outwards rather then sticking up. 

When it gets dark enough I'm going to set up my projector and see what the projections loo like. Very exciting!

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