Thursday, 24 April 2014

Hey Guys, I'm Marble. Remember Me?

So the last time we talked about marble (the Imitate project) I was just about to put the smashed up test pieces back into the kiln. Since then there's been a lot of excitement and drama, fasten your seat belts!

The smashed up bits did go back in the kiln eventually after many false starts (the kiln program crashed a couple of times) and when I opened it up I was really pleased with them! They hadn't yellowed at all and if anything all of the weird yellow that had came about the first time had disappeared! Magic!

At this point I was so incredibly overcome with excitement (and stupidity) that I sliced my thumb open on one of them. In all the minor drama they got mixed up and I can't really tell which is which anymore. I'm a bit annoyed about that because I had been so careful with them up until that point.

They have a really bone-like appearance to them and look more marbley then I ever expected! I'm not entirely certain how I done this, but still. Their texture is also really interesting. I've been trying to take photographs up close of it but it doesn't really come out. I'm going to try and print with them too see if it comes out at all.

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